Jan 24, 2011

緑の英雄   Green Hornet & Yogi Bear

今日はBroward County の学校がお休みだったので
ボーイズは映画"Green Hornet" を観に行きました。

The school of Broward county closed today.
Boys went to the movie "Green Hornet"

TVシリーズではKATO役でブルース・リー が出演し、多くのファンを作りました。
今回の映画でも、KATO のスケッチにブルース・リーが登場します。

The Green Hornet is an American masked vigilante.
Radio series (1936-52), TV series (1966-77) and it also was made comics.
Bruce Lee appeared on TV series as KATO, and he became very popular.
The sketch of Bruce Lee that KATO drew, appeared on this movie.

KATO 役にジェット・リーという話もあったそう。

A film version of the character has been contemplated since the 1990s,
Jet Li was set to play the Kato role. 
In this movie, 
initially Stephan Chow as director and also playing the role of KATO,
later Chow left the movie.


The car action was spectacular.
This movie is action comedy that you can lough the cold-blooded villain a little bit.
It's fun movie!!

グリーンのスーツとネクタイの ”グリーンホーネット”
グリーンの帽子とネクタイといえば ”YOGIベアー”

Speaking of Green suits and necktie .......Green Hornet.
Speaking of Green hat and necktie.........Yogi Bear.
This movie is already released, boys watched it last week too.

CGのYOGI と実写を組み合わせた映画でしたが
映像的には、2002年の "Scooby doo" を見たときのような感動もなく

This movie is combined the computer graphics of Yogi Bear and live-action.
 For a picture, there was not an impression when we watched "Scooby doo" in 2002.
The story development was a very common pattern and was not good enough.
Boys said " It is not the contents that makes a movie."

I'm smarter than average dog!

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